Below is information about an $850 grant opportunity for “getting literary fiction and nonfiction inspiring a love of math into the hands of K–12 students in Title I schools.” If you are interested in applying and have any questions about creating a plan for using books you may be awarded, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
School Library Journal Grant Announcement
Mathematical Collection Development Awards Application Information
Schools applying for the grants will need to document their Title I status. To be eligible for the collection development awards, schools must employ a full- or part-time librarian who meets state requirements for school library media certification and is currently employed as a media specialist, teacher librarian, or equivalent position.
Application requirements:
- Description of school library (mission, collection scope, staff, budget, physical plant)
- School/student demographics
- Description of community served
- Proof of Title I funding
- Plan for using books from the Mathical Prize list, including list of titles; estimated cost; explanation of how prize would benefit library/school goals, serve students and the community
- A letter of recommendation from a principal, math coordinator, superintendent, or teaching peer
- Detailed verified information regarding grant payment logistics pertaining to the individual school
- A statement about fostering a sense of joy around math