Application Deadline: March 1, 2024
Grant Amount: $6,000 or $10,000
Grant Period: One Year
The grants are available to federally recognized Native American tribes and Native Alaskan villages, corporations, and regional corporations and are designed to assist Native American tribes in improving library services for their communities.
Some examples of what grant funds may be used for include: purchasing library materials and furnishings, renewing subscriptions, funding salaries and staff training, and providing internet connectivity and computers.
More information can be found at this link: https://www.imls.gov/news/accepting-applications-2024-native-american-library-services-basic-grants
Potential applicants can learn more about the FY 2024 application process in an on-demand webinar. Application materials can be found on the grant program page. For more information, please visit the IMLS website.