Rural Engagement to Advance Learning In STEM Digitally (REALISD) in School Libraries Program:
Fully Funded Opportunities Available!
The Rural Engagement to Advance Learning In STEM Digitally (REALISD) in School Libraries will provideafour-day face-to-face professional development workshop for school librarians working in the rural areas of anywhere in the United States! The workshops will provide school librarians the knowledge, skills, and abilities to support STEM education efforts in their school through digital tools and resources.
The face-to-face summer workshop will be held at the University of West Georgia July 13-16, 2020 and the University at Buffalo August 3-6, 2020. These workshops will be followed by an online module in the Fall in which participants will work with other participants and project personnel to explore further topics on supporting STEM efforts and to ultimately create a final STEM in Practice Plan for their local school.
By participating in this program, participants will earn 3-hours of graduate course credit, with all tuition and fees paid for by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), the federal agency supporting the REALISD Program. If selected as a participant, all other expenses for participating, such as travel, lodging, and meals for attending the face-to-face workshops, will also be fully funded by the REALISD Program.
We invite you to apply for this program at the REALISD website https://realisdproject.weebly.com/ by March 31, 2020.
Questions??? Email Dr. Melissa P. Johnston (mjohnsto@westga.edu)