The Children and Teen Book Enhancement grant opens Friday, November 1, 2024. This grant provides funds up to $3000 to purchase high quality children’s materials. All applicants should watch this 5-minute grant FAQ video. It includes information about the grant process, scope, and expectations.
Click this link for Guidelines .
The Children and Teen Book Enhancement grant will close on 11/27/2024 and can be applied for in the USL grants portal: https://cce.my.salesforce-sites.com/usl/.
Grant Timeline:
- 11/1/2024 – Grant opens
- 11/27/2024 – Grant closes
- 12/13/2024 – Applicants notified, contracts sent out
- 12/20/2024 – Contracts due, spending begins
- 5/9/2025 – Spending ends
- 5/16/2025 – Receipts and final report due, unexpended funds due to USL
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to karenliu@utah.gov or to Grants Coordinator Rachel Haberman at rhaberman@utah.gov.